
Our Staff

Lubica Alabakovska
Title: Manager of Polymer Testing
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-4210
Email: la32@uakron.edu

Dr. Jessi Baughman

Dr. Jessi Baughman
Title: Manager, Magnetic Resonance Center
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6971
Email: jab218@uakron.edu

Jack Gillespie
Title: Lab Glassblower
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-7369
Email: jackgil@uakron.edu

Jon Hawkins
Title: Manager of Facilities
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-2671
Email: hawkinj@uakron.edu

Emily Hughes
Title: Administrative Coordinator, Polymers & Research
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-7500
Email: efh11@uakron.edu

Dr. Andrew Knoll

Dr. Andrew Knoll
Title: Instrumentation Scientist
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6182
Email: aknoll@uakron.edu

Ed Laughlin
Title: Engineering Technician, Sr.
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-7534
Email: edward7@uakron.edu

Dr. Lingyan Li
Title: Process Engineering Specialist
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-7891
Email: lli@uakron.edu

Penelope Pinkston

Penelope Pinkston
Title: Manager of Polymer Training
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-8303
Email: penelo1@uakron.edu

Christine Smith
Title: Administrative Secretary
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6408
Email: mcs53@uakron.edu

Dr. Bojie Wang

Dr. Bojie Wang
Title: Manager of Microscopy Lab
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-7541
Email: bwang@uakron.edu